Inactive Research Projects



PIPP Phase I: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Messaging and Modeling During Pandemics (PandEval)
Funders: National Science Foundation
Research Areas: Data Science, Analytics, and Visualization Health Informatics Machine Learning, AI, Computational Linguistics, and Information Retrieval
The PandEval project aims to enhance pandemic response by utilizing diverse data sources, including social media insights and real-life behavior tracking. It seeks to improve public health messaging and localized policies, with customized epidemiological models. The project's innovation lies in creating a Pand-Index, aiding individual decisions on measures like social distancing.
RERC on Universal Interface and Information Technology Access
Principal Investigator(s): Gregg Vanderheiden
Funders: HHS / ACL / National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research Other Non-Federal
Research Areas: Accessibility and Inclusive Design Human-Computer Interaction Library and Information Science
The Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII) will be tested in libraries with a focus on serving users with disabilities. Also, a tool will be developed to help people find and use assistive technologies and access features in everyday technologies.
SaTC: EDU: Collaborative: Connecting Contexts: Building Foundational Digital Privacy and Security Skills for Elementary School Children, Teachers, and Parents
Principal Investigator(s): Jessica Vitak Tamara Clegg
Funders: National Science Foundation
Research Areas: Accessibility and Inclusive Design Data Science, Analytics, and Visualization Human-Computer Interaction Machine Learning, AI, Computational Linguistics, and Information Retrieval
Promoting elementary school children's privacy/cybersecurity learning across the two contexts where they spend most of their time, home and school, through the creation of curriculum and related educational materials tailored to grade level.
Skill-XR: An Affordable and Scalable X-Reality (XR) Platform for Skills Training and Analytics in Manufacturing Workforce Education
Funders: National Science Foundation
Research Areas: Machine Learning, AI, Computational Linguistics, and Information Retrieval
Online communities, from question and answer sites to general purpose discussion forums, are increasingly working to solve hard problems together, often through a process of open sharing and discussion of ideas and information.
Spectrum Doctoral Fellowship Program: Catalysts for Change
Principal Investigator(s): Eun Kyoung Choe Renee Hill
Funders: American Library Association Other Non-Federal
Research Areas: Library and Information Science
Through the Spectrum Scholarship Program, ALA advances racial equity by connecting new generations of racially and ethnically diverse librarians with a network committed to mutual support, advancing one another’s leadership, and making social justice part of everybody's everyday work.
Sustaining Digital Community Collections: Understanding the Impact of Development Workflows Across Contexts
Funders: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Research Areas: Library and Information Science
Investigating roles that cultural heritage institutions may play to help realize community-determined, community-led strategies for sustaining digital collections over time.
Tapestry: A Tool for Managing Integrated Cyber Risk
Principal Investigator(s): Charles Harry
Funders: Maryland Innovation Initiative Other Non-Federal
Research Areas: Data Privacy and Sociotechnical Cybersecurity
Promoting a patent-pending analytic method and scoring technology that can guide risk assessment for individual organizations and their infrastructure to target and quantify cyber risks throughout an organization.
The AGEP Alliance State System Model to Transform the Hiring Practices and Career Success of Tenure Track Historically Underrepresented Minority Faculty in Biomedical Sciences
Funders: National Science Foundation
Research Areas: Accessibility and Inclusive Design Data Science, Analytics, and Visualization Health Informatics Youth Experience, Learning, and Digital Practices
This collaborative research brings together five public universities with the goal of developing, implementing, studying, evaluating and disseminating a state level AGEP Alliance model to increase the number of historically underrepresented minority (URM) tenure-track faculty in the biomedical sciences.