Inactive Research Projects



Collaborative Research: EAGER: Systems for Assisting in Emotion Regulation in the Wild
Principal Investigator(s): Keith Marzullo
Funders: National Science Foundation
Research Areas: Future of Work Health Informatics Human-Computer Interaction
Developing design guidelines for wearable technology that will aid people who need assistance with regulating emotions in the workplace and everyday life. The project is also exploring the impact of breathing interventions in real-world settings that were successful in the laboratory.
Collaborative Research: Pervasive Data Ethics for Computational Research (PERVADE)
Principal Investigator(s): Katie Shilton Jessica Vitak
Funders: National Science Foundation
Research Areas: Data Science, Analytics, and Visualization Information Justice, Human Rights, and Technology Ethics
Examining how the risks of using pervasive data in computational research can be quantified, what factors impact willingness to contribute data to research, how diverse computational researchers address core research ethics values, and how regulators are adjusting to the new burdens they face in governing computational research.
Community-centered Strategies for Sustaining Digital Humanities Scholarship
Principal Investigator(s): Katrina Fenlon
Funders: Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Other Non-Federal
Research Areas: Digital Humanities
Identifying strategies that digital humanities research communities may use to contribute to and increase the sustainability of their own digital resources and collections.
Connecting Rural and Small Libraries to Connected Learning
Principal Investigator(s): Mega Subramaniam
Funders: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Research Areas: Library and Information Science Youth Experience, Learning, and Digital Practices
With funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the ConnectedLib Toolkit helps librarians incorporate digital media into their work with youth to promote connections across learning contexts. We are currently working with the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) and the Association for Rural and Small Libraries (ARSL) to expand the toolkit to better meet the needs of library staff working in rural areas and small libraries.
Counted In: National Forum on Libraries, Census 2020, and New Americans
Principal Investigator(s): Paul T. Jaeger Ana Ndumu
Funders: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Research Areas: Accessibility and Inclusive Design Library and Information Science
The University of Maryland iSchool is seeking $101,593 to host the Counted In: National Forum on Libraries, Census 2020, and New Americans, a one-day pre-conference event on promoting census participation among immigrants.
Coupled Statistics-Physics Guided Learning to Harness Hetergeneous Earth Data at Large Scales
Principal Investigator(s): Sergii Skakun
Funders: NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center Other Non-Federal
Research Areas: Data Science, Analytics, and Visualization
This project is funded by NASA's Advanced Information Systems and Technology (AIST) program. It aims to advance machine learning for Earth Science problems. Specifically, we will develop new technologies that address two major challenges facing machine learning for broad Earth Science applications—spatial heterogeneity, where satellite observations and their relationships to the prediction targets vary over space, and the limited and highly localized nature of ground-truth data that are needed to train the algorithms.
CRII: CHS: Facilitating Information Exchange in Crowd Problem Solving Discussions
Principal Investigator(s): Yla Tausczik
Research Areas: Accessibility and Inclusive Design Social Networks, Online Communities, and Social Media
Online communities, from question and answer sites to general-purpose discussion forums, are increasingly working to solve hard problems together, often through a process of open sharing and discussion of ideas and information.
CRII: CHS: Investigating Multilingual Teams Communication and Collaborative Writing
Principal Investigator(s): Ge Gao
Funders: National Science Foundation
Research Areas: Data Science, Analytics, and Visualization Future of Work Information Justice, Human Rights, and Technology Ethics Youth Experience, Learning, and Digital Practices
This project investigates new ways to create grounding in multilingual teams engaged in collaborative writing. It will improve understanding and develop new tools.