
Filtered by: Information Justice, Human Rights, and Technology Ethics
Man with his back turned to the camera looking at shelves filled with books

Photo by matthew Feeney on Unsplash

Info College Faculty and Alumna Publish New Book on Information Literacy and Disinformation

August 5, 2022 | Hayleigh Moore

Dr. Paul T. Jaeger co-authored "Foundations of Information Literacy," the first book to offer frameworks for tackling information liter …

Chalkboard drawing of a gun

Dr. Zubin Jelveh: Machine Learning Can Predict Shooting Victimization Well Enough to Help Prevent It

June 27, 2022 | Mia K. Hinckle

Using arrest and victimization records from the Chicago PD, a machine learning model can predict the risk of being shot in the next 18 …

Photo from the National Park Service

Two UMD Info College Faculty Members Establish New Archival Repatriation Committee

June 10, 2022 | iSchool News Staff

The new Committee is a major step towards enacting more Native and Indigenous repatriation archival policy.

Photo by Julia M. Cameron

Maryland Today: $6M Award From State to Help Extension Bridge Digital Divide

June 3, 2022 | Maryland Today Staff | UMD

UMD Info College faculty and students join team to develop programs to help underserved urban and rural communities access broadband in …

UMD Info College Welcomes New Associate Professor Amelia Gibson

May 25, 2022 | iSchool News Staff

Dr. Gibson will also be stepping into the Associate Director role for the Info College's Information Policy & Access Center (iPAC).

UMD Info College Welcomes New Associate Professor Sheena Erete

May 25, 2022 | iSchool News Staff

Dr. Erete looks to build new community partnerships and engage the local community surrounding UMD in meaningful ways.

(Video) ALA Lecture Series: ALA President Patty Wong

May 16, 2022 | iSchool News Staff

Wong shares her 37-year journey with the ALA and the association's ongoing commitment to equity and inclusion.

The Maryland State House in Annapolis

The Maryland State House in Annapolis

New Law Ensures Equivalent Access to Digital Tools for All of Maryland’s K-12 Students

May 5, 2022 | Liz Zogby

Trace Center Director and iSchool professor Jonathan Lazar contributed to and testified in support of the bill to bring an accessibilit …