Dean’s Student Advisory Council (DSAC)
Meet the INFO Dean’s Undergraduate Student Advisory Council (DSAC). Comprising 12 dedicated undergraduate students from four different undergraduate majors offered by our INFO college, DSAC serves as the voice and collective vision of our undergraduate student body. The INFO DSAC members have different experiences and passions, and together, they work to make our academic community better.
The INFO DSAC team:
- Serves as a bridge between undergraduate students and the college administration, fostering open communication and collaboration on strategic initiatives;
- Collects feedback from its members and the broader student body, advocates for the interests and concerns of undergraduate students, providing valuable insights to the college’s decision-making processes;
- Contributes ideas for innovative changes within the college, aiming to enhance the overall quality of education and student life.
- Fosters a sense of community among undergraduate students within the college, organizing events and initiatives that enhance the overall student experience.
- Empowers INFO undergraduate students by providing them with opportunities for collaboration and engagement in shaping the direction of their academic community.
- Promotes inclusivity and diversity within the college, working towards creating an environment where all students feel heard, valued, and represented.
DSAC Members:
Asa Agyemang is a dedicated Information Science major, specializing in Data Analytics. Asa’s journey has embraced programming and UX/UI design, enriching her understanding of technology’s multidimensional nature. Asa is committed to reshaping perceptions of Information Science, showcasing its relevance in everyday life. Her passion for conceptual art creation fuels her growth-oriented approach, transforming mistakes into stepping stones toward innovation.
Abroo Fatima is pursuing a major in Information Science along with a minor in Information Risk Management, Ethics, and Privacy. Her academic journey revolves around exploring the intricate world of information and its multifaceted implications. With a keen interest in cybersecurity, Abroo aims to bridge the gap between technology and ethics, ensuring the responsible and secure use of information in our digital age.
Deena Habash is currently dedicated to pursuing a degree in Social Data Science. She possesses a fervent academic curiosity, particularly within the realm of AI and GIS, which she eagerly explores through academic ventures. She hopes to contribute to a future where data catalyzes informed decision-making, innovation, and positive societal change. Deena is excited to continue this enriching journey of learning, growth, and collaboration with fellow students of the iSchool.
Justin Jacobs is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Information Science degree. His passion for hands-on learning in database design and programming has led him to roles such as a SQL Teaching Assistant and a Cybersecurity Intern at the Department of Homeland Security. Justin’s goal is to combine feedback from fellow InfoSci peers with his insights to advocate for innovative changes within Information Science.
Daniel Kalashian is a sophomore at the University of Maryland, College Park. He is a double major in Social Data Science (with an economics track) and Government & Politics, with a minor in rhetoric. Daniel is interested in policy and research and hopes to gain more experience in data analysis for policy and economics.
Veronica Kim’s primary major is Information Science. After graduation, she plans to pursue a career in data analytics or consulting and then attend law school in the future. She’s interested in applying technical skills such as data analysis and visualization to help solve complex problems. On campus, she serves as a student ambassador and VP of Signature Events for Women in Business Association and VP of IT for Ascend.
Rachel Kwan is a senior Social Data Science major on the Psychology track. She is currently interested in pursuing cloud computing through different platforms. Rachel is also looking into learning more about machine learning models and artificial intelligence. Outside of school, Rachel is involved in cultural organizations such as VSA and Sigma Psi Zeta.
Melika Moshirian is an information science major with a keen interest in exploring the fusion of technology, data management, and human interaction. Her academic goals involve mastering information systems, data analysis, and user experience design while also delving into emerging technologies like AI and machine learning. Professionally, Melika aspires to contribute to user-friendly information systems, bridging the gap between technology and people.
Adityaraj Padmanabhan is in the Information Science major with a concentration in Data Science. His passion lies in utilizing technology to streamline processes and improve efficiency. Proficient in programming languages such as Python, SQL, and Java, he enables data-driven decision-making for valuable insights. Adityaraj’s mission is to empower tech companies with strategic analysis and solutions for unstructured data, enabling them to make informed decisions and unlock their data’s full potential.
Trudy Sun is currently pursuing a B.A. in Technology and Information Design with a minor in General Business. Her focus is on user-experience design, user-experience research, and data analytics. In her free time, Trudy enjoys reading, doing her nails, and going to the gym.
Sehba Wani is studying Information Science and aspire to pursue a career in data science/analytics and maybe even software engineering down the line. Professionally, Sehba really wants to work in the public sector. In my free time, she enjoys reading, finding new music, and sleeping.
Qiqi Yu is a junior Information Science major interested in building their career in the medical informatics industry. Qiqi is Chinese-American. In their free time, Qiqi creates art and sings.
DSAC Faculty Advisor
DSAC Coordinator
DSAC Faculty Advisor