
Filtered by: INFO News
headshot of Kevin Beverly

Kevin Beverly, MLS, Class of 1981

October 1, 2018 | iSchool News

iSchool Alumnus Kevin Beverly works to help disadvantaged children realize their potential through community outreach, mentoring, and s …

headshot of Wendy Simmons in front of a pink and purple background

Wendy Simmons, PhD, Class of 1990

October 1, 2018 | iSchool News

Wendy Simmons is a retired Foreign Service Officer. She was also an adjunct lecturer for the College of Information Studies from 2015 t …

headshot of Alice Crites

Alice Crites, MLS

September 28, 2018 | iSchool News

Alice Crites, Washington Post researcher, has been a part of a half-dozen Pulitzer teams.

headshot of Tracy Jeffcott

Tracy Jeffcott, MLS, Class of 2012

September 25, 2018 | iSchool News

Tracy Jeffcott is the recipient of the 2017-18 Maryland School Librarian of the Year award, which honors a school librarian for exempla …