
ASSETS 2021 celebrated 50 years of its sponsor, ACM SIGACCESS, including a 1970s-inspired logo designed by Rachel Wood, a Trace-affiliated PhD student in the UMD iSchool.
Trace Faculty and Students Contribute to a Successful Virtual ASSETS 2021
November 3, 2021 | iSchool NewsTrace faculty and students contribute work and play key leadership roles at ASSETS 2021, which marks landmark 50th anniversaries for bo …

PhD Alumni Spotlight: Navigating the HUman eXperience – Gagan Jindal, ‘20
October 28, 2021 | Hayleigh MooreGagan Jindal’s unexpected journey to creating a more accessible and meaningful user experience for all.

Photos courtesy of American Antiquarian Society
Digitized 17-18th Century Documents Shed Light on Nipmuc History
October 20, 2021 | iSchool NewsiSchool PhD student Lydia Curliss co-curated new online exhibit on the relationship between the indigenous Nipmuc communities and settl …

Precious Abujana (left) and Andrea N Gutmann Fuentes (right)
iSchool Students Precious Abujana and Andrea Gutmann Fuentes awarded 2021 ALA Spectrum Scholarships
October 14, 2021 | Hayleigh MooreAbujana and Fuentes are among the American Library Association’s 60 Spectrum Scholarship award recipients for 2021.

Citizen Panel: What Values Should Regulate Social Media?
October 13, 2021 | iSchool NewsiSchool PhD student Anna Lenhart & EViD Lab host citizen panel on what values should impact legislation on content moderation of so …

Dr. Jonathan Lazar Delivering a Lecture on Digital Accessibility
Jonathan Lazar Named Director of the Trace R&D Center
October 11, 2021 | Liz ZogbyAfter 50 years, Trace Founder and Director Gregg Vanderheiden passes the gavel to a new director to carry the Trace legacy of accessibi …

Spooktacular Field Study: Adding Congressional Cemetery Graves to Google Arts and Culture
October 8, 2021 | Rosie GrantiSchool MLIS student, Rosie Grant, shares her internship experience as a digital archivist for one of DC’s oldest cemeteries.

PhD Alumni Spotlight: Examining the "Datafication" of Family Life – Priya Kumar, PhD ‘21
September 29, 2021 | Hayleigh MooreFrom interests in public policy and journalism, to a fascination for social media’s influence on entire industries, Priya Kumar “fe …

Banned Books Week 2021 – ALA’s Most Challenged Books List for 2020 Revealed
September 29, 2021 | Hayleigh MooreThe Hate U Give, Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You, and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian among the American Library A …