
Universities at Shady Grove Blog: How Technology is Helping People with Traumatic Brain Injuries
July 20, 2020 | Galina Madjaroff ReitzAmazon's Alexa can help people with brain injuries regain independence and feel supported in their own home.

Smithsonian Magazine: Help Transcribe Field Notes Penned by S. Ann Dunham, a Pioneering Anthropologist and Barack Obama’s Mother, featuring Diana Marsh
July 20, 2020 | Courtney SextonDiana Marsh led a project to digitize the field notebooks of S. Ann Dunham, economic anthropologist and mother of Barack Obama---and to …

Faculty Spotlight: Tamara (Tammy) Clegg, Associate Professor
July 16, 2020 | iSchool NewsMeet Associate Professor, Tamara Clegg!

Faculty Spotlight: Bridgette Comanda, Adjunct Lecturer and School Library Program Experiential Learning Coordinator
July 16, 2020 | iSchool NewsMeet Adjunct Lecturer and School Library Program Experiential Learning Coordinator, Bridgette Comanda!

Staff Spotlight: Tetyana Bezbabna, Assistant Director of Information Science Undergraduate Program at Shady Grove
July 15, 2020 | iSchool NewsMeet Assistant Director of the Information Science Undergraduate Program at Shady Grove, Tetyana Bezbabna!

Maryland Today: Pushing for Access, featuring Paul Jaeger
July 13, 2020 | Chris CarrollDr. Paul Jaeger describes how 30 years after its passing, the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) has opened many doors for students …

School Library Journal: Retire Those Legacy Approaches. It’s Time to Be Bold and Innovative. | Reimagining Libraries, featuring Mega Subramaniam
July 13, 2020 | Mega SubramaniamAs a part of her crowdsourcing project to reimagine libraries, Mega Subramaniam published her second SLJ article, calling upon peop …